The New TBI Kelapa Kading: Study in a Storeroom!

One of the more bizarre recent tweets from TBI Kelapa Gading was one in which they proudly displayed their classroom facilities with the following quote: Hi TBuddies! Ini lho suasana kelas dan pembelajaran di TBI Kelapa Gading, khususnya program Children. This translates loosely as, “Hi TBuddies! This is the classroom environment at the TBI Kelapa…

TBI Kelapa Gading: That “My Teacher Can’t Speak English” Feeling

We recently made the mistake of looking at the TBI Kelapa Gading twitter account. Oh boy, there are so many grammar and spelling mistakes on that thing. They truly are an embarrassment to the name of English language education. They don’t know the difference between “quiet” and “quite”, for example. These people have such low-quality…

TBI: The Sick Man of Indonesian TEFL (Part 2 of 3)

This blog has always been based on a simple proposition: TBI (The British Institute) is a fraudulent, delusional and rapidly declining company which is the sick man of the Indonesian TEFL industry. Over the past several years we have attempted to document in its decline by compiling and cross-checking all the information we have accrued…

TBI Kuningan Is Moving…Closer To Oblivion (Part 1 of 3)

At this blog, we have always tried to moderate and conservative in our claims. We have never stated that TBI will go bust on such and such a date; we do not want to indulge in speculation, and there’s no way that anyone outside Head Office can know exactly how bad the finances are. However,…

Hey TBI E-Buddies! Welcome To Kiddies’ Corner!

TBI (The British Insitute), an ailing language chain in Indonesia, has been reeling from the news that its former Head Office at TBI Sudirman (The Sequis Centre) has been closed due to “cash flow” problems. While they will publicly deny they are have serious financial difficulties, no intelligent person will doubt that a company which…

Investor TBI Kelapa Gading Janji Untuk Mengurangi Kehancuran Habitat Orangutan

Sebagai salah satu bentuk upaya terhadap konservasi orangutan, Perusahaan bekerjasama dengan Ecositrop, Universitas Mulawarman (UNMUL) dan Balai Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam (BKSDA) membentuk tim Satgas Penyelamatan (Rescue) Orangutan dan melakukan pelatihan terhadap tim Satgas di MAE dan LYE untuk menangani orangutan yang ada di areal perkebunan. Pelatihan dilakukan pada tanggal 11-14 April 2012 dan dibuka oleh…